Centrum IVF Center

What is IVF Treatment?

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IVF treatment is a treatment method that increases the chance of pregnancy in couples who normally have little or no chance of pregnancy. The first IVF in the world was born in England in 1978. In Turkey, the first IVF birth took place in Ege University in 1989.

Today, many couples can have children with this method. In simple terms, the IVF process is the process of fertilizing the egg (oocyte) taken from the woman with the sperm taken from the man in the laboratory environment and providing embryo development and then placing the embryo in the woman’s womb.

When this process is performed by an experienced team and in a suitable laboratory environment, the chance of success increases.

As a result of these examinations:

Although the results of all examinations are normal, IVF is applied in couples in cases of unexplained infertility.

  • The semen sample taken from the man does not have enough sperm in number and morphology to ensure pregnancy by normal means
  • Although the woman’s age is not advanced, it is determined that the ovarian reserve is reduced as a result of the examinations performed
  • Advanced female age (38 years and older) and 6 months of unprotected continuous sexual intercourse despite pregnancy
  • Endometriosis causes the deterioration of the ovary-tube relationship
  • Impaired ovulation function
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes in women

Things to Do Before IVF Treatment:

  • The mother-to-be should definitely inform her doctor about the genital area disorders she has previously experienced before starting the treatment. It is also useful to inform the doctor about the existing diseases.
  • In the case of medication that needs to be used continuously due to a chronic condition, the doctor should be informed.
  • Abdominal exercises should be interrupted with treatment.
  • It is recommended to drink no more than two glasses a day of acidic and caffeinated beverages, and if possible, not to drink at all.
  • Care should be taken to consume a diet based on fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, nuts such as walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts should be consumed frequently.
  • Father-to-be should not be in extremely hot environments at least 3 months before starting treatment. The reason for this is that sperm production and quality are seriously affected.
  • If a inflammatory disease is experienced 2 months before starting IVF treatment, the doctor must be informed about the subject.
  • If there is an inflammatory problem or any discomfort in the genital organ, the doctor should be informed about this.
  • If there is a medication condition that needs to be used continuously, the doctor should be informed before the treatment.
  • If there is a history of infection related to genital herpes, this issue should be reported to the doctor.
  • Sports and exercise programs should be discontinued 3 months before starting treatment.
  • Smoking and alcohol use should be strictly stopped 3 months before starting treatment.
  • Instead of tight underwear that covers the body, cotton, comfortable and loose underwear should be preferred.

At the Beginning of IVF Treatment:

IVF treatment takes place in 5 stages. Before the start of IVF treatment, the most appropriate treatment method is determined for the patient by first interviewing before the treatment. In couples who are planned to undergo IVF, the beginning of the treatment is the 2nd or 3rd day of the woman’s menstrual period.

On the first day of treatment, the woman is given an ultrasound. With ultrasound, if any findings that may constitute an obstacle to the start of treatment in the ovaries and uterus are not diagnosed, FHS and estrogen levels are checked in the blood of the mother-to-be. As a result of the ultrasound examinations, if it is decided that it is appropriate to start the treatment, the appropriate treatment method is selected according to the woman’s age, the cause of infertility, the blood results and the capacity of the ovary, and hormone therapy is started for IVF treatment in order to provide egg formation.

During this period, which is called ovarian stimulation, ultrasound and control of the hormone in the blood are performed at certain intervals to evaluate the response to treatment and egg development.

Embryo transfer

The embryo transfer process is a painless procedure that does not require anesthesia. In general, abdominal ultrasound is performed with a thin catheter. Before the procedure to be performed, the uterine cervix is cleaned with special liquids. After 1 or 2 hours after the completion of the transfer process, the patient is discharged. Following embryo transfer, if the patient has any remaining fertilized good quality embryos, these embryos can be frozen and stored.

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