Centrum IVF Center

NOW-fertility Acquires Successful Turkish IVF Center as a New Center of Excellence Partner

Centrum » Centrum IVF Center » NOW-fertility Acquires Successful Turkish IVF Center as a New Center of Excellence Partner
NOW-fertility, Başarılı Türk Tüp Bebek Merkezini Yeni Bir Mükemmeliyet Merkezi Partneri Olarak Bünyesine Kattı

İçerik Başlıkları

This month, NOW-fertility added the Centrum IVF Center to its portfolio of Center of Excellence partners. Located in Ankara, Turkey, the clinic combines 20 years of experience and expertise with the latest technology and makes more than 2000 cycles per year.

Centrum Clinic, directed by Dr Recai Pabuçcu with Dr Emre Pabuçcu and Dr Gürhan Keleş and supported by a team of infertility specialists, offers a wide range of assisted reproductive treatments to men and women, including frozen embryo transfer, egg freezing, PGT-A, PGD and PGD-M.

The clinic is the first Turkish IVF Center to achieve a successful pregnancy using the ROSI technique, which aims to treat male infertility and is applied by taking a healthy sperm and injecting it directly into the egg. The center also specializes in assessing couples with a history of recurrent IVF failure.

The clinic, which operates in a modern facility, has two spacious operating rooms, an andrology laboratory, IVF/ICSI laboratories, 7 patient rooms and a conference hall for 50 people. As a result of infertility treatments at Centrum Clinic, more than 30,000 children have been born since 2002.

The NOW-fertility online clinical initiative provides infertility-related counseling by a team of dedicated, foreign-language physicians, nurses, counsellors and service coordinators. Patients receive personalized, supportive advice and service 24/7 throughout their reproductive journey. NOW-fertility refers patients to the best-performing IVF centers based on country, preferences, medical findings, availability and legislation. Tests, ultrasounds, and blood tests can be performed close to the patient’s home or workplace.

The combination of ‘always on’ virtual consultations and support and the physical service provided by teams in Centres of Excellence such as Centrum Clinic gives patients unparalleled and seamless access to state-of-the-art treatments.

you can visit: https://now-fertility.com/ Now-fertility

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