Centrum IVF Center

Vitamin D in Pregnancy

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Gebelikte D Vitamini

İçerik Başlıkları

Vitamin D is a steroid vitamin in a group of fat-soluble pro hormones. Vitamin D during pregnancy is what mothers-to-be should take in the recommended amount, both during pregnancy and for their own well-being and the healthy development of their baby. The most important compounds in human development are D2 and D3.

Why do I need vitamin D during pregnancy?

Vitamin D is beneficial for your own personal health. Vitamin D currently has extensive research supporting its role in immune function, healthy cell division, and bone health. Vitamin D is essential for the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Many studies find an association between low serum vitamin D levels and the risk of certain types of cancer, autoimmune diseases, neurological diseases, insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin D invests in your baby’s well-being by supporting healthy bone development. Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with preeclampsia.

What contributes to vitamin D deficiency?

Currently, 40-60% of the population has been transmitted deficient vitamin D ratios, including pregnant women. Vitamin D can be taken from foods as well as from sunlight. These foods are egg yolks, salmon, and cod liver oil, but most vitamin D is consumed through fortified foods like milk. For the 75% of the lactose intolerant population, fortified dairy products are not a reliable source of vitamin D consumption. In addition, there are many factors that affect the body’s ability to make and absorb vitamin D: Where you live in these areas, such as the season, sunscreen, skin pigmentation, age, obesity, pollution, how much time you spend outdoors, and optimal absorption capacity. Vitamin D is actually a hormone, and these factors must be healthy and adequate in order for the body to produce them properly. Your body needs vitamin D to maintain calcium and phosphorus levels, which helps you build your baby’s bones and teeth.

What does not getting enough vitamin D lead to?

Vitamin D deficiency is common in pregnancy. Insufficient vitamin D can cause abnormal bone growth, fractures, or rickets in newborns.

Some studies link vitamin D deficiency to an increased risk of pregnancy complications, such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, preterm birth and low birth weight, but more research is needed to confirm these links. The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can be subtle. There may be painful muscles, weakness, bone pain, and softened bones that can cause bruises. You may also have a vitamin D deficiency with no symptoms.

What is the proportion of vitamin D that should be taken with pregnancy?

The dosage of vitamin D is a matter of debate. The Institute of Medicine currently recommends that all women, whether pregnant or breastfeeding, take 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D, or 15 micrograms (mcg).

But many experts believe that 600 IU is almost insufficient. For example, the Linus Pauling Institute recommends that each adult take an additional 2,000 IU of vitamin D each day. The Endocrine Society says 600 IU may be enough, but some people — including pregnant and lactating women — may need 1,500 to 2,000 IU of vitamin D.

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