Centrum IVF Center

7 Factors Affecting Fertility

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Factors affecting fertility can be grouped under 7 main headings. In today’s modern society, it is seen that infertility is widespread and the number of couples who cannot have a baby by natural means is increasing. In this context, the first fertility factors to be considered are the fact that women have stepped into business life and postponed having a baby with the increase in career opportunities. Because one of the most important factors affecting fertility, reproductive functions and the ability to conceive naturally is age. It is obvious that the ability to reproduce decreases with advancing age. Based on all these, it can be said that in order for a woman to have a baby, her genetic background, age, social life characteristics, nutritional habits and many other factors should all be suitable for pregnancy. It will be useful for women who cannot conceive naturally to know that this problem may be caused by a combination of many factors, and those who want to have a baby should take care not to waste too much time.

1 – Genetic characteristics play a decisive role in fertility characteristics.

Just as people owe many of their characteristics to the genetic background, the level of fertility is linked to genetics and biological basis. In particular, the number of eggs that a woman is born with can affect fertility and potency. During each ovulation period of a woman born with approximately 2 million eggs, approximately a thousand egg cells die for one egg. In this context, it is possible to say that the fertility level of the woman born with more egg cells is higher.

2 – Advancing age adversely affects fertility.

Every woman is born with a certain number of egg reserves and loses some of these eggs with the ovulation period (menstrual period) that she experiences regularly every month. For this reason, the older the age, the more menstrual periods it has had and lost eggs without fertilization. It can be said that women’s reproductive functions work best, that the period when they are most fertile is between the ages of 20-35, and that fertility is lower before or after this time period.

3 – Regular intervals of menstrual periods are a sign of a regular ovulation.

Menstrual periods are indicative of ovulation in women. For pregnancy, it is important that menstrual bleeding is seen every 21-31 days at regular intervals and that the egg is cracking regularly. Because in order for fertilization to occur, first of all, ovulation process is required.

4 – Sexually transmitted diseases and infections can block the tubes.

Approximately 15% of women with infertility problems have some blocked or completely closed tubes. One of the most important factors leading to this problem is sexually transmitted infections. For this reason, if pregnancy is not considered, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse by protection. Another factor that causes the tubes to be blocked is chocolate cysts and the adhesions they cause.

5 – Being too thin or too overweight negatively affects fertility.

It is important that the body mass index is between 18-32 in order for the woman to continue ovulation activities regularly. Many studies on this subject show that ovulation and getting pregnant are more difficult if there is not enough fat and muscle tissue in the body or if there is excess fat.

6 – Harmful habits reduce fertility.

It is known that addictions such as harmful substances, cigarettes, alcohol and excessive caffeine consumption reduce the woman’s egg reserve and make it difficult to conceive. Because harmful substances adversely affect all cells in the body, they also kill egg cells.

7 – Stress consumes eggs in a short time.

The fact that the woman has a stressful work or social life, the fact that the working conditions are not physical but emotionally exhausting adversely affects the ability to conceive. It is known that women who work intensively in front of the computer, especially in a closed office, more often complain of infertility.

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