When calculating pregnancy weeks, it starts from the fourth week. Because the exact time of fertilization of the egg cannot be known, the end of the last menstrual period is considered the beginning of pregnancy. In this context, it is considered that pregnancy has not occurred yet in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd weeks. In the first week, the egg waits for the sperm with which it will unite, and in the second week, the sperm and egg meet and fertilization occurs. When the embryo settles in the uterus and the expectant mother notices that her period is late, the baby is already about four weeks old. For these reasons, the clearest information that can be said for the second week of pregnancy is that the sperm and egg unite and fertilization occurs.
What happens in the 2nd week of pregnancy?
In the second week of pregnancy, even though the expectant mother does not know that she is pregnant yet, her hormones and organs are making a great effort to prepare for the baby. In the second week of pregnancy, the development of the egg cell continues in the ovaries of the expectant mother. The uterine membrane, which will allow the embryo to be formed after fertilization to easily attach to the uterus, begins to thicken this week. In addition, the blood supply in this region increases in order to meet the needs of the embryo. At the end of the second week, the sufficiently developed egg hatches and is expelled from the ovaries, thus ovulation occurs. In singleton pregnancies, only one egg is produced and hatched in a woman during a menstrual period, while in twin and triplet pregnancies, as many eggs as the number of babies are produced and hatched.
What are the most common problems in the 2nd week of pregnancy?
Pain and extreme sensitivity are felt in the breasts in 48% of expectant mothers who are unaware of this situation even though fertilization has occurred. Breast pain and tenderness, which is seen in the majority of women whose menstrual period is late, is generally not perceived as a sign of pregnancy by expectant mothers. In addition, as the uterus begins to swell, it begins to put pressure on the stomach, and complaints such as constipation and heartburn are frequently experienced. One of the changes and problems frequently seen in expectant mothers in the second week of pregnancy is extreme fatigue, bloating and weakness. Approximately 44% of women in the second week of pregnancy complain of unusual fatigue and weakness despite exerting almost no effort.
What are the duties of the expectant mother in the 2nd week of pregnancy?
In the second week of pregnancy, most expectant mothers do not make many changes in their routine as they are not yet aware of the pregnancy. However, women planning pregnancy need to pay extra attention to eating, drinking, work and social activities during periods that the doctor deems appropriate for pregnancy to occur. For example, a woman who is planning a pregnancy and has learned from her doctor that this period is suitable should avoid excessively salty, fatty ready-made foods, eat a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and calcium, and especially pay attention to fluid consumption and drinking approximately two and a half liters of water a day. Apart from this, it is necessary to start using folic acid before pregnancy begins, while it is still planned. Women considering pregnancy are recommended to take 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. This folic acid can be taken with pills or with foods containing high amounts of folic acid. Foods containing folic acid; orange juice, fruits, grains, peanuts, beef liver, legumes and green leafy vegetables. Consuming the required amount of folic acid before and during pregnancy can prevent possible problems in the baby’s central nervous system. For example, problems such as openness in the baby’s spine and failure of brain tissue to develop can be prevented with folic acid.